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Alfie James Productions
Alfie James Productions is a not-for-profit performance company, With a serious interest in producing performances and creating community projects which explore issues affecting society and to promote positive social change. We aim to produce regular performances, offer creative workshops, produce short films and to develop our own research studies.

Our Core Aims:


  • 1. Regularly produce theatrical performances and short films.

  • 2. Use performance techniques including storytelling to explore issues affecting society and to promote positive social change.

  • 3. Research and develop new and old performance techniques. 

  • 4. To foster and promote new writing. 

  • 5. Inspire others and to develop creative arts within the local community. 

  • 6. Develop Heritage projects which develop history skills and bring history stories alive through performance techniques.

How are we run?

Alfie James Productions was first set up in December 2015 as a small not-for-profit unincorporated group which was governed by a shared constitution. As part of the groups continued ongoing development the group have decided to apply for charity status in 2020.


Our Trustees meet regularly and hold a yearly AGM Meeting in December of each year. 


Our people:

We work with a range of different artists, organisations and members of the public. Actors taking part in both paid and voluntary capacities have normally been auditioned or invited to take part. Involvement in any of our artistic community projects confers membership. Our Actors and members are at the heart of what we do. We work with them to develop both our own artistic aims as well as offering opportunities for them to develop their skills in a professional capacity and encouraging them to grow as artists within their chosen field.




We would like to thank all our funders for the support they give us making our work possible. Creating and running projects and developing high quality performances can often be very expensive and so we appreciate every penny. The work of raising money for these productions, and for all the workshops and community theatre projects goes on constantly. We are always looking for sponsorship and funding and if you would like to support our work then please do not hesitate in getting in touch with us.


We have continued to gain funding regularly from the Heritage Lottery Fund, Arts Council, Ministry of Defence and local town councils / Community Foundations and from the Tesco's Bags for Life. 


Public & Employers Liability Insurance:

Our Public Liability and Employers Liability Insurance is covered by Stagesafe Insurance under Graham Sykes Insurance. 

About us

What we do:

We currently produce around six productions a year around Essex, Suffolk and London. Each production focuses upon exploring specific social issues, developing performance techniques and aim to support positive social change. We work with a range of emerging Artists and organisations supporting their artistic development whilst sharing our practices and learning from our peers. We also create and develop community theatre projects using performance techniques to support local people and developing new artistic skills. So far, we:


-Produce regular theatrical performances.

-Work in partnership with the Black Dog Theatre Creation and Puppet Soup Theatre Company.

-Run the Acoustic Lounge which supports the development of local songwriters and musicians.

-Created the History Alive Project which is designed at using performance techniques to inspire others to learn about their local heritage and to bring historical stories alive on stage.

-Support our local Armed forces by producing a community arts event to celebrate the Armed Forces Day.

-Currently developing the “Story Box Theatre Project” which is designed at exploring oral storytelling and Remanence Theatre whilst working with older members of the community.

-Currently developing our Access for All project which aims at developing strategies to make theatre and arts accessible for all.

-Currently developing our own research articles to share what we have learnt in our development.  


 With each project we try to focus upon developing ways of developing our existing and new audiences. (Including our performers and those attending our performances) 

Artistic Quality and Development:


Alfie James Productions aims to explore, develop and apply performance techniques to explore social issues and to promote positive social change. We are committed to developing our artistic quality through our projects by:


-Developing partnerships with artists and performance companies to support our continued development.

-Identifying and exploring different performance techniques.

-Encouraging our participants/Artists to learn and to develop new artistic skills.

-Encouraging and supporting the development of local emerging artists.

-Developing existing and new audiences through our Public Engagement strategy.

-Exploring ways of making our performances accessible to all.

-Raising awareness of social issues affecting society using performance techniques.


Supporting and engaging the local community:


Alfie James Productions is committed to supporting the local community by developing opportunities to use performance techniques to raise awareness of social issues and promoting positive social change. We aim to develop new artistic skills and support local emerging artists to develop their work further. We aim to explore ways of making performances accessible to all.


We offer:


-Community theatre projects using performance techniques to support vulnerable adults.

-Developing and nurturing skills.

-An Arts for All policy, developing ways of making our performances accessible to all.

-Performances/projects which promote positive social change.



Our Development Plan 2023-2026

As part of our development plan In 2023-26 we plan on developing our group in the following ways: 
Developing audiences & Public Engagement:

1.Work alongside our "Theatre for all" initiative exploring ways of making our performances accessible to those on a low income, social and ethnic minority groups, lone families, and those with disabilities. 
2. Develop strategies to support marginalised groups within the community. (E.g. Ethnic, cultural, and social backgrounds, LGBTQIA+) offering a platform for unheard voices to be seen/heard.
3. Further develop our Black Dog Theatre Creation widening our audience participation.
4) Review our current marketing and public engagement strategy.
5) Review and update our short documentary films supporting our community projects.
6) Further develop our Story Box Community Theatre Project developing new groups

Artistic development:

1.Explore the use of music including song, percussion, background music and spoken word as a technique to enhance our performances.
2.Look at ways of developing more opportunities to collaborate with and support local freelance artists, helping them to develop their work.
3.Look into developing our first short film.
4.Explore other forms of theatre techniques such as circus, epic theatre, Commedia Del'Arte Theatre.
5. Explore the use of movement, dance, and physical theatre as a technique to enhance oral storytelling.
6. Look into the idea of creating a Summer Theatre Programme in Kelvedon Essex.
7. Develop a new “Writers Circle” offering a free support service for emerging playwrights.

Organisation development:

1.Further develop our "Legacy Theatre" work by developing 2-3 heritage projects per year incorporating our Pride Theatre Productions and Black Dog Theatre Creation groups.
2.Look at developing more plays which focus upon developing key social issues affecting society and breaking down barriers and stigmas.
3. Employ a new part-time Creative Practitioner to help support the day-to-day running and development of our work.
4. Recruit at least two new Trustees with the pending retirement of two of our existing board members.
5. Develop a new business plan to support our long-term sustainability.
6. Develop the Story Box Community Theatre Project as a new entity of its own.
7.Explore ways of raising additional funds to support our work.
8. Look into applying for our first Arts Council Grant for 30K and over.


Get in touch 

To contact us please email us at:

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